News, Ideas | August 19th 2020

Technology and the Future of Business

Spring and summer 2020 have yielded some very interesting conversations and predictions as we all look forward to a new reality post-COVID. The way that we do business, that we talk to each other, the way that we go through our workdays have all radically changed in the face of new technological imperatives. CBT’s Chief Information Officer Nirva Fereshetian has been an apt spokesperson for our new ways of working and has emerged as a sought-after source for looking ahead to where we are headed next through the lens of technology. Below is a recap of three of the more recent pieces published:

Computerworld published an extensive Q&A with Nirva, looking at the current digital transformations taking place within corporate work environments and the eventual return to a hybrid workplace, titled “Q&A: CBT Architects CIO sees a ‘hybrid’ remote-work plan as harder than WFH.” Within the piece, CBT’s path to becoming an entirely remote workforce and its plans for the future of work are explored, outlining some of the operational challenges and the firm’s resilient and creative approaches to adapting to change. In the piece, Nirva details the innovative solutions that CBT has implemented to keep project teams connected, from collaborative online tools to reconfigured conference spaces. She also underscores CBT’s commitment to the wellbeing of its employees, especially the need for transparency and heightened organizational communication.

CIO Dive published a piece titled, “There's no going back,” where Nirva was featured among other industry leaders discussing the transition to a virtual workplace and the momentum needed to carry organizations through the creation of a hybrid work environment. Throughout the piece, she explores both the successes and challenges of managing a virtual workforce. She underscored the importance of open communication and the human element in maintaining a successful business.

CIO magazine published a piece called “CIOs seek digital momentum coming out of crisis mode.” Nirva’s contribution alongside other prominent leaders close out the article, noting that CBT is pioneering the return to a mixed environment of in-office and virtual work through the use of VR/AR and other technology, allowing our designers to continue to serve their clients throughout the pandemic. The piece also touches on the recent success the firm has had in its digital transformation, with a focus on the importance of forward momentum and continued progress.

The conversation is surely to be continued!

Additional Coverage; "6 Ways to Make IT Operations More Efficient"

DesignIntelligence: "Digital Transformation: How Integrating Technology Can Change Design Culture"