CBT Celebrates Green Month
This April CBT celebrates sustainable design with our annual Green Month, this year with a focus on carbon. Programming throughout the month will feature a series of carbon-themed educational events which will explore the impact of carbon on the environment and best practices in architectural design to slash carbon emissions. Events include presentations and panels by sustainable design leaders and experts, as well as a virtual happy hour plant night where participants can play biophilic trivia while creating living works of art!
City of Boston Zero Net Carbon Zoning
John Dalzell AIA, LEED Fellow, Senior Architect for Sustainable Development, BPDA
Jacob Knowles, Associate Principal, Director of Sustainable Design, BR+A
Colin Schless LEED AP, CPHC, Vice President, Boston Sustainability Practice Leader, Thornton Tomasseti
Mass Save: Passive House 101
Carbon Negative Materials
Lisa Conway, VP of Sustainability for Interface Flooring
Lowering the Embodied Environmental Impacts of Concrete
Jeremy Gregory, Research Scientist, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, MIT; Executive Director, Concrete Sustainability Hub, MIT
Michael Gryniuk, PE, Associate, LeMessurier, Boston
Zeroing in on Operational and Embodied Carbon
Colin Schless, LEED AP, CPHC, Vice President, Boston Sustainability Practice Leader, Thornton Tomasetti
Patrick Kenny, PE, Associate, Structural Engineering Practice, Thornton Tomasetti
Carbon Positive LA 2020
Jim Burke AIA, LEED AP, Associate Principal, CBT
Michelle Oishi, AIA, LEED AP, Senior Associate, CBT